Welcome to the latest installment of Arnold & Porter’s Virtual and Digital Health Digest. This digest covers key virtual and digital health regulatory and public policy developments during December 2024 and early January 2025 from the United Kingdom, and European Union.

In this issue, we feature the emerging trends in digital health in 2024 that have been highlighted in IQVIA’s recent report. The IQIVA report is a yearly summary of digital health trends and gives a good snapshot of the market. The latest report notes that Germany continues to lead in its approval and reimbursement of digital therapeutics, followed by the United States and UK.Continue Reading Virtual and Digital Health Digest – January 2025

Welcome to the last 2024 installment of Arnold & Porter’s Virtual and Digital Health Digest! This digest covers key virtual and digital health regulatory and public policy developments during November and early December 2024 from the United Kingdom and European Union.

Of note, health authorities in the EU continue to develop methods to assess and recommend health apps. The latest is in Denmark, where new guidance has been published on how health apps will be assessed by the Board for Health Apps. The assessment criteria includes evidence of clinical effectiveness, usability, price, and value to society. This guidance is another important step to ensure greater access to health apps across the EU.

It has been a busy year in digital health and the impact to care delivery is only just beginning. We hope you will continue to follow the digest in 2025 as we track what we expect to be an even busier year.   

Wishing you the best for the new year! 
The Arnold & Porter Team Continue Reading Virtual and Digital Health Digest – December 2024

The European Commission has opened the floor for a discussion on whether the EU medical devices legislation is effective, efficient, relevant, coherent and valuable.

The Commission aims to assess the performance of the Medical Devices Regulation (MDR) and the In Vitro Diagnostics Regulation (IVDR). Anyone interested in giving feedback to the Commission must do so by 21 March 2025 using this link.

The results of this consultation may not provide any quick or easy solutions to the difficulties that have been encountered as a result of the MDR and IVDR. However, it is an opportunity for the European Commission, and later the EU legislators, to reconsider objectives, understand the needs and difficulties of the industry and set realistic targets for all stakeholders. Continue Reading The European Commission launches public consultation on the MDR and IVDR

The European Commission (‘Commission’) has published a Questions & Answers (‘Q&A’*) document on the new obligation to notify interruptions or discontinuations of the supply of medical devices under the Medical Devices Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2017/745, ‘MDR’) and the In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2017/746, ‘IVDR’).

This new reporting obligation is set out in the newly introduced Articles 10a in both the IVDR and the MDR, as amended by Regulation (EU) 2024/1860. This obligation will start to apply on 10 January 2025.

Our blog focuses on the key requirements applying to manufacturers, and how these align with  the European Medicines Agency’s (‘EMA’) role to monitor medical device shortages.Continue Reading Medical devices: European Commission issues Q&A on the obligation to notify supply interruptions and discontinuations

This digest covers key virtual and digital health regulatory and public policy developments during October and early November 2024 from the United Kingdom and European Union.

Regulatory and legislative reform is on the horizon in both the UK and in the EU, which will impact software and artificial intelligence (AI) medical devices. The UK government recently published the new medical devices post-market surveillance rules, which could be in place by summer 2025. Further, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency’s (MHRA) priorities until spring 2025 are focused on the draft pre-market rules for devices, the in vitro diagnostics (IVD) roadmap, and guidance on AI development and deployment. In the EU, industry should watch the potential upcoming reform of the Medical Devices and In-Vitro Medical Devices Regulations, with increasingly urgent calls for reform from key stakeholders gaining traction with the institutions.Continue Reading Virtual and Digital Health Digest – November 2024

The European Union has for the first time introduced measures to facilitate the development of medical devices for rare conditions, and has recently published the Medical Devices Coordination Guidance on the clinical evaluation of orphan devices (the MDCG Guidance). Key aspects of the document include defining “orphan devices” and guidance on their clinical evaluation, including when it may be justified to certify a product with limitations in the pre-market clinical data.

The MDCG Guidance also envisages further assistance to manufacturers of orphan devices and their Notified Bodies through the provision of scientific advice by expert panels. To help implement the new guidance, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) is operating a pilot programme to provide scientific advice for manufacturers of orphan devices. The pilot programme is intended to operate until the end of this year, with the intention that scientific advice from expert panels will subsequently be rolled out on a wider basis.Continue Reading EU looks to facilitate development of “orphan” medical devices

On 21 October 2024, the UK Government laid before Parliament the draft statutory instrument setting out proposed new post-market surveillance (PMS) requirements for medical devices in Great Britain (the PMS SI). The PMS SI will significantly enhance the PMS requirements for manufacturers of medical devices placed on the market or put into service in Great Britain. 

PMS comprises the post-market monitoring and evaluation of the safety and performance of a medical device. Currently, the medical devices legislation applicable in Great Britain contains limited, high-level requirements for a device manufacturer to operate a PMS system as part of its Quality Management System (QMS). Much of the detail on how a manufacturer should operate its PMS system, including incident reporting, is set out in guidance, primarily EU MedDev guidance 2.12/1 rev 8 and related guidance published under the old EU Directives (upon which the Great Britain medical devices regulatory framework  is based). The PMS SI will introduce much more detailed obligations into UK legislation, with a view to creating greater consistency and making enforcement easier. The amendments contained in the PMS SI will bring PMS requirements in Great Britain broadly into alignment with those in the EU Medical Device Directive 2017/745 (the MDR) and the EU In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Directive 2017/746 (the IVDR) (which apply in Northern Ireland).

Notably, the new PMS requirements will apply to all medical devices placed on the market in Great Britain (subject to limited exceptions), including devices CE marked under the EU regimes and made available in Great Britain under transitional arrangements.Continue Reading UK Government Publishes Draft Regulations on Medical Devices Post-Market Surveillance

This digest covers key virtual and digital health regulatory and public policy developments during September and early October 2024 from the United Kingdom and European Union.

Guidance on AI continues to be published. In the EU, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has published its Reflection Paper on the use of AI throughout the medicines life cycle. In the UK, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) opened applications for its AI Airlock, a regulatory sandbox for AI as Medical Devices. And over 100 companies have signed up to join the EU AI Pact, a voluntary initiative to encourage companies to comply with the AI Act before the statutory deadlines. These guidance documents and initiatives provide companies with much greater clarity on how the authorities will regulate the use of AI in health care.Continue Reading Virtual and Digital Health Digest – October 2024

On 23 October 2024, the European Parliament adopted a resolution on the urgent need to revise the Medical Devices Regulation (MDR) and In Vitro Diagnostics Regulation (IVDR).

This resolution acknowledges that the MDR and IVDR were adopted to strengthen the regulatory framework for medical devices and in vitro diagnostic medical devices in the EU, to ensure higher standards of safety, transparency and clinical performance, while also fostering innovation in the sector. However, it is also acknowledges that significant challenges have been encountered in implementing the MDR and the IVDR. These include delays, shortages, and difficulties in navigating the regulatory procedures. The particular impact on small and medium sized enterprises (SME) and on patient care are highlighted.

The lack of harmonised procedures for Notified Bodies, and the lack of harmonised interpretation of the MDR and IVDR between Notified Bodies, is also noted, and the fact that this leads to unpredictable timelines for certification and market access.

The Parliament resolution therefore seeks to address some of these difficulties. Continue Reading European Parliament resolution on need to revise the Medical Devices Regulation