Welcome to the last 2024 installment of Arnold & Porter’s Virtual and Digital Health Digest! This digest covers key virtual and digital health regulatory and public policy developments during November and early December 2024 from the United Kingdom and European Union.

Of note, health authorities in the EU continue to develop methods to assess and recommend health apps. The latest is in Denmark, where new guidance has been published on how health apps will be assessed by the Board for Health Apps. The assessment criteria includes evidence of clinical effectiveness, usability, price, and value to society. This guidance is another important step to ensure greater access to health apps across the EU.

It has been a busy year in digital health and the impact to care delivery is only just beginning. We hope you will continue to follow the digest in 2025 as we track what we expect to be an even busier year.   

Wishing you the best for the new year! 
The Arnold & Porter Team Continue Reading Virtual and Digital Health Digest – December 2024

This digest covers key virtual and digital health regulatory and public policy developments during October and early November 2024 from the United Kingdom and European Union.

Regulatory and legislative reform is on the horizon in both the UK and in the EU, which will impact software and artificial intelligence (AI) medical devices. The UK government recently published the new medical devices post-market surveillance rules, which could be in place by summer 2025. Further, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency’s (MHRA) priorities until spring 2025 are focused on the draft pre-market rules for devices, the in vitro diagnostics (IVD) roadmap, and guidance on AI development and deployment. In the EU, industry should watch the potential upcoming reform of the Medical Devices and In-Vitro Medical Devices Regulations, with increasingly urgent calls for reform from key stakeholders gaining traction with the institutions.Continue Reading Virtual and Digital Health Digest – November 2024

This digest covers key virtual and digital health regulatory and public policy developments during September and early October 2024 from the United Kingdom and European Union.

Guidance on AI continues to be published. In the EU, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has published its Reflection Paper on the use of AI throughout the medicines life cycle. In the UK, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) opened applications for its AI Airlock, a regulatory sandbox for AI as Medical Devices. And over 100 companies have signed up to join the EU AI Pact, a voluntary initiative to encourage companies to comply with the AI Act before the statutory deadlines. These guidance documents and initiatives provide companies with much greater clarity on how the authorities will regulate the use of AI in health care.Continue Reading Virtual and Digital Health Digest – October 2024

This digest covers key virtual and digital health regulatory and public policy developments during August and early September 2024 from United Kingdom, and European Union.

There have been some important reimbursement updates this month. In France, the French health regulator has issued a negative opinion on the first digital therapeutic that sought reimbursement through the PECAN pathway. This opinion suggests that while PECAN provides a more streamlined process by not requiring formal clinical trials, the regulator still expects robust data to show that the digital therapeutic is worthy of reimbursement. In the UK, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence has published a position paper that highlights the risks of using AI for generating and reporting evidence for health technology assessments. It sets out that the use of AI in this context should be limited to situations where the value of doing so can be clearly demonstrated, and sets out guidance for companies on how to present such data and to justify the use of AI. Health technology assessment seems to be an area where AI has more readily been accepted, and industry will welcome guidance on the parameters around such use.Continue Reading Virtual and Digital Health Digest – September 2024

In a judgment handed down today, 10 July 2023, Mr Justice Turner refused permission for an application by the British Generic Manufacturers Association (BGMA) for judicial review of the refusal of the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care (SoS) to appoint it as a second “industry body” (in addition to the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI)) for the purposes of negotiation of the next voluntary scheme controlling the prices of branded health service medicines. The result of this decision is that negotiation will involve only the SoS and the ABPI, albeit taking into account submissions from other industry bodies (including the BGMA) and other stakeholders.Continue Reading BGMA refused permission for judicial review in relation to negotiation of the voluntary scheme

The VPAS Payment Percentage for 2023, including the adjustments for accumulated Under Payments, is expected to be in excess of 26%.  As such, a number of VPAS Members have indicated that they are considering moving from VPAS to the Statutory Scheme. We explore how the situation arose and the implications below.
Continue Reading Concern over high Scheme Payments under the UK VPAS

As part of its vision to build a European Health Union, the European Commission announced the new pharmaceutical strategy for Europe (the new Strategy) on 25 November 2020. The new Strategy introduces new policies and ideas but also brings into the spotlight long standing challenges which were recently exacerbated by the coronavirus outbreak. The new Strategy puts forward numerous proposals for legislative reforms that are likely to affect the regulation of the entire life cycle of a medicinal product. Some of these revisions also affect the regulation of medical devices. The main elements of the new Strategy relate to innovation, availability, accessibility, affordability, and supply in relation to medicinal products.

In this post, we focus on the key proposed regulatory changes expected to impact the pharmaceutical industry. The post also discusses the implications of the new Strategy from the EU competition law perspective.

Continue Reading European Commission proposes a new pharmaceutical strategy for Europe

Arnold & Porter’s Future Pharma Forum invites you to a complimentary regulatory seminar aimed at junior lawyers and new joiners in the UK/EU life sciences industry. We will provide a comprehensive introduction to key EU regulatory law topics from an in-house practitioner’s perspective and touch on the implications of Brexit.


  • Overview of the EU

The case arose from the reimbursement by the Italian authorities of medicinal products used for an indication for which they are not authorised, in circumstances where there is an alternative authorised product available. Italian law permits the reimbursement of such products “provided that the [unlicensed] indication is known and is in line with research conducted by the national and international medical-scientific community on the basis of economic and suitability considerations”. In these cases the Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA) puts in place monitoring arrangements intended to protect patient safety.

Avastin® (bevacizumab), which is licensed for administration by intravenous infusion for various oncology indications, was added to the Italian reimbursement list in 2014, for intravitreal injection in the eye for the treatment of ophthalmology conditions, on the following conditions:

  • To ensure sterility, packaging of bevacizumab in single dose syringes must be carried out solely by hospital pharmacies satisfying defined requirements and following rules to ensure the doses are properly prepared.
  • The product can be administered only by highly specialised ophthalmological departments in designated public hospitals.
  • Administration may take place only once the patient has signed an informed consent, including the scientific reasons, accompanied by adequate information about the existence of approved alternative therapies at higher cost to the Italian health service.
  • A monitoring record must be created with an adverse reactions declaration form.

Novartis Farma challenged the inclusion of Avastin® in the reimbursement list on the basis that this was incompatible with EU pharmaceutical law. In particular: (i) the general use of medicinal products “off-label”, for financial reasons, in circumstances where the suitability of the licensed product for such use has not been tested, breaches the mandatory character of a marketing authorisation (MA) under Art 6 of Directive 2001/83/EC and is incompatible with Directive 89/105/EEC (the Transparency Directive); (ii) by allowing AIFA to establish monitoring mechanisms to safeguard patient safety, Italian law permits AIFA to encroach on the role of the EMA as established by Regulation No 726/2004; and, (iii) the repackaging of Avastin® does not comply with the conditions required for the exemption under Art 3.1 of Directive 2001/83/EC to apply.

The Italian Court referred four questions to the CJEU.Continue Reading Novartis Farma SpA v AIFA

The UK Government (Department of Health and Social Care, DHSC) and the ABPI have announced today that they have agreed the Heads of Agreement for what will now be called a Voluntary Scheme for Branded Medicines Pricing and Access, expected to become effective from 1st January 2019 following the end of the current 2014 Pharmaceutical Pricing Regulation Scheme (PPRS”).

The details of the new Voluntary Scheme are still being finalised and, if agreed in full, will be published in December, at around the same time as publication of the new Statutory Scheme is expected to take place. Companies will then be asked to decide whether to agree to participate in the Voluntary Scheme or be subject to the Statutory Scheme.

The new Voluntary Scheme, which has been described as “a good deal for patients, the NHS and the UK life science industry” by the Health Secretary, Matt Hancock, provides a guarantee that growth of the NHS branded medicines bill will not exceed 2% per year for the next 5 years, delivering expected savings of around £930 million to the NHS in 2019. In assessing growth sales by Voluntary Scheme members, Statutory Scheme companies and parallel import sales will be taken into account. As under the 2014 PPRS, the new Scheme will require industry to make rebate payments in respect of expenditure by the NHS that exceeds the permitted growth. Other important aspects are said to be:Continue Reading The UK 2019 Voluntary Scheme