The European Commission published a Proposal for a Regulation on Packaging and Packaging Waste (the Proposed Regulation) to tackle the growing amount of packaging waste, the low levels of recyclability, and the re-use and uptake of recycled content. If adopted, the rules will apply to all companies involved in the packaging life cycle that place packaging and packaging waste in the EU internal market regardless of whether these companies are based in the EU.  While there are various exceptions for manufacturers of medicinal products and medical devices sectors, if adopted, the Proposed Regulation will require life sciences companies to make significant amendments to their current and future product packaging, with resulting cost impacts. We set out the key requirements and takeaways from the Proposed Regulation in our Advisory, and will continue monitoring and reporting on new developments as the legislative process evolves.

We have also prepared this helpful summary for your reference. Continue Reading Proposal for Revision of EU Legislation on Packaging and Packaging Waste