In three separate preliminary rulings delivered by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) on 17 November 2022 (Novartis v Abacus Medicine, Bayer v kolpharma, and Merck Sharp & Dohme (MSD) v Abacus Medicine), the pharmaceutical industry received welcome guidance as to the extent to which brand owners may oppose the repackaging of medicinal products to comply with EU rules on tamperproof packaging.Continue Reading Tampering with the packaging? Further EU Court of Justice guidance for parallel traders

The Falsified Medicines Directive 2011/62/EU (FMD) introduced a new requirement for safety features to appear on the packaging of all prescription-only medicinal products: a unique product identifier and an anti-tampering device (ATD). Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/161 sets out technical detail around the characteristics of the safety features, how authenticity should be verified and by whom.

With the deadline to demonstrate compliance with the Delegated Regulation fast approaching (9 February 2019), we draw your attention to recent revisions to the “Question and Answers” guidance document (Version 13) published by the European Commission in January 2019, which contains amendments to some previous questions and a number of new Q&As. In particular:Continue Reading Revised guidance on implementation of the EU Falsified Medicines Directive